Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Awesome Poem

Hour of Belief
Author's Note:  I wrote this for our journal. This journal was to write what on your mind; so I wrote about what happened yesterday

Tears falling
Puddles forming
From the melting snow
The bus rides on without a care
People on board
Separated by seats
Separated from your dying world
That part of your heart
Is ripped out
He hugged her
And not me

The bad news comes
And you sink farther in
Your forehead presses the cold glass
The world outside
The opposite of your emotions

The secret
The one you have held in forever
You talk it through
Through tears
Falling again
Through the tears
That you can get over him
That you can go on missing it
That you can do this

You walk home
Kicking the frozen bits
A guy walks by
You hide your face
To hide the tears
To hide the saddness
You think of the change
In this last hour
Hour of Sadness
Hour of Belief

Monday, February 4, 2013

Random Poem :)

One day...
Author's Note: Ok, this is a really weird poem (I love how I just start with that :) ). Anyway, I was just having mixed emotions and I just felt like I needed to write something.

One day
One day the sun is shining
Its rays brush gently across your face
You can almost see the happiness in the air
The wind whips gracefully
Painting curves and bumps in the snow
The tiny flakes fall down from heaven
Each shaped in it's own special way
Life is too
And today is perfect
One day all the fire will crash to Earth
The flames dance elegantly
All devil ballerinas
Destroying what lays ahead
Thunder booms like a drum
Lighting splits through the black
White and black collide 
Then red
Life becomes a swirling void 
Leading you nowhere
Dreams become nightmares
Friends become enemies
Life becomes death
The sweet light fades away
You miss it so much
But the worst part is that you never even know it
Don't cry
One day the light will return
One day....