Monday, February 20, 2012

Middle School Poem

In the Halls

The bell sets off
The hallways flood with hundreds of students,
Each trying to find their way to their next class,
You get pushed
You get shoved,
It is like a human version of bumper cars,
But that is just part
of the daily life in middle school

Melinda Essay

Messed-up Mouth
            A scarred mouth. “It looks like it belongs to someone else”. Chewed up, bloody. In the book, Speak, Melinda seems like she doesn’t even want a mouth. Throughout the book, people notice Melinda’s mouth but she tries not draw attention to her mouth at all.
Melinda hides her lips in the book but people still notice, a lot. In one scene of the book, Melinda spies as “The Marthas” have a meeting. One of the girls there says, “She’s creepy. What’s wrong with her lips? It looks like she’s got a disease or something”. When you think about it, this small section of the book is kind of sad. She chews her lips when she struggles with her life, and that’s what she gets? People talking behind her back about her messed-up mouth.
            She also tries not to draw attention to her mouth. In the book, Melinda never eats around others. All she does is stir her food around on her plate. She doesn’t want people to make fun of her, so eating by herself is the best way to do that apparently? I think if that were me, I just would stop biting my lips in the first place. Not eating in front of others, just because of her scabbed and bloody lips.
            Melinda tries not to draw attention to her mouth but people still notice. She bites her lips because of the worst part of a teen’s daily life, high school. Melinda’s lips scab and end up looking ugly, even if she doesn’t eat in front of others. She can hide her mouth, but people will still notice. Melinda is stuck with the life of a messed-up mouth.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Scene Anaysis

" Her enthusiasm makes me itch, but sarcasm would go right over her head. It won't kill me to go to the rally. I have someone to sit by-that counts as a step upon the ladder of social acceptability. How bad could a rally be?"

    Melinda doesn't have any spirit, and this small section of the book"Speak" says it all. She wanted to sneak off to her little abandoned closet castle. so she wouldn't have to go to a pep rally. Melinda seems to hate happiness. It seems like she hates anything/ anyone that is happy. Plus, Melinda is just using Heather. She wants it to look like she has a friend, someone to be by. But to truth is, Melinda kind of hated Heather too.


Author's Note: This is my prediction on how I think the book "Speak" will end.

       I predict this book will end like this rest of the book, Melinda dealing with high school, Heather a little too peppy, nothing special. I think this because this whole story has been Melinda complaining about her life and doing nothing about it. Just wining. Just like my little sister.
        I also think this because just having the people at her school forgive her for calling the cops at a party is way too expected. Besides, they won't forgive Melinda because she doesn't do anything. She's just plain lazy, also like my little sister (they are very alike). And since she's lazy and complains, there is really no other ending then what I predict.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Winter World

The crisp snow,
Crunching under my feet,
Fresh and white,
Sparkling in the sunlight,
Trees are just bare bark
Their wooden elbows cradling snow,
But as the temperature rises,
The snow goes away,
To come back soon,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Problem/Solution Short Responce

The world without a solution

            There’s a problem, but no solution. You try to solve it, you try to fix it, but you get nowhere. Everything you do fails. You don’t lose hope, you don’t give up, but nothing will change their minds. In the book Stargirl, Stargirl faces the problem of people ignoring her, but there is never a solution.
            She wins the speech contest, she makes a small business “You talk to me, I’ll scratch your back”, and even changes her whole look. But the people at her high school ignore her. But eventually she can’t take it anymore. She moves. To Minnesota. She moved because “her dad’s job got transferred”. She moved, leaving her few friends Leo behind with the rest of the turned heads of Mica Area High School.