Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ANWR Drilling Essay

Don't Drill
            Destroying plants and animals homes, ruining “our last real wilderness” in this country. That what we are doing by drilling for oil in ANWR. The ANWR was made so that animals could be protect and be safe, but we are going to do the opposite. I think that drilling for oil in ANWR is a bad idea.
            The government is saying that by drilling here, we save a lot of money on importing. But the truth is that if there is oil in ANWR, it is only expect to last for six months. Then where will they drill? They can find more oil, but they can never fix the environment that they have destroyed. Sure saving money would help us, but if they could find an alternative for oil that’s cleaner and cheaper, the government can save way more money. Plus, they won’t be destroying our wilderness.
            What if they do drill? What about the wilderness there? The ANWR is a safe place for many animals such as caribou, polar bears, grizzly bears, muskox, dall sheep, wolves, wolverines, snow geese, and many more. If 1.5 million arces of this wilderness is destroyed, what will these poor animals do? So what if they are animals, they are important too! Some of them are even endangered. Does the government really want to wipe some species of animals off the planet so that American can ruin the environment even more with cars, boats, and planes run on oil?
What about the people of Alaska? They will pay taxes if drilling is allowed. But will they like people drilling and destroying on their land WHILE paying taxes. I wouldn’t. Sure jobs will be created, but will people really want to drill for oil. It’s a messy and dangerous job that people will probably not want? And besides, who said that it paid good money.
Drilling in the ANWR is a bad idea in cost, environment, and people. Drilling is costly and will ruin a true wilderness forever. There is no good reason to drill here, besides that our country needs oil. So, should we drill in Alaska? No!

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