Monday, November 7, 2011

Minor character responce

       When Hollis left, I didn't know what to do. I had always wanted a daughter, my whole life. But it seems like I only had one for a summer. Boy, do I miss her. Her kindness, her laugh, her smile. But the thing I miss most of all is her beautiful drawings. Oh, were they something. Steven and my husband both miss her too. She was part of the family. Or almost. We were about too make her a member of the family when her and Steven were driving the truck up my husband's mountain, or as she would called it "Old man's mountain", when they got in accident. I almost had a heart attack when we found them. The both got hurt but were fine in the end. Poor little Hollis Woods, she thought the whole thing was her fault, but of course "Old Man" blamed Steven. She must of felt so bad that she left, leaving just my husband, Steven, and me. I really miss her, and the worst part is that she never got the chance to call me mom.


  1. I love your detail and how it really feels like I can guess that your character is Izzy.

  2. I'm not readin Hollis Woods, but you still gave me a pretty good idea of what was going on. You had great detail, and I could Akmost hear that person talking.

  3. I love this. The final sentence really makes the passage

  4. I like how you didn't say who's point of view you were writing from so the reader had to look for clues.

  5. You certainly did not need to explain the POV you chose; it was obvious from her heartbreak. Well done.

  6. I only read the first 20 pages of that book, but I got the feel from what you wrote of the character "Steven's mom". You surely put a lot of emotion and thought into your piece. That's what I love about all of your writing pieces. Also, they all have good detail and explanation.
