Friday, November 18, 2011

Hollis Woods Essay

Hollis Woods Essay

 Dropped on a dirty street corner with only a blanket and a simple tag that says Call her Hollis Woods. What would it feel like to be abandoned, sitting on a sidewalk as a one day old baby, people and families pass by, not even realizing that you’re there? In Pictures of Hollis Woods, Hollis doesn't trust anyone based on the loneliness and sorrow of that she's felt from not being part of a family.
Going through foster home after foster home, running and hiding, this a one reason for her sadness. The families she lives with and tries to fit into get so annoyed and irritated with her that she runs away. But why are those families mad.  Because she's trouble. "A mountain of trouble, that Hollis Woods" is how one guardian had put it. But that running and hiding, that is what gets to her.  Throughout the entire book, she doesn't tell us, but drops hints that she wants to be   part of a family, where they love her and care about her.
  However, she did have a family, one that cared and loved her. The Regans.  Steven, Izzy, and as Hollis calls him, "Old man". Those three loved her, so much that they were about to make her part of the family when Steven and her got in an accident on "Old man's" mountain. She got upset that old man blamed it on Steven, so she left, leaving her only real family behind, which makes her feel even lonelier inside.
          Of course, after she left, it was off to another foster home. This one had an old confused art teacher and a sassy old cat named Henry. At first, Hollis doesn’t know if she can trust them, but finds that they have a lot in common. They both love art and both just want to have fun. Hollis cares for Josie but knows that Beatrice and Henry are Josie's real family. Hollis realizes at the end of the book that the Regans are her real family.
Through the book, Hollis feels unhappy about not having a family.However, at the end of the book, Hollis' loneliness is changed to happiness when she goes back to the Regans, and is accepted to their family.

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