Friday, January 20, 2012

The struggles of being different

The struggles of being different

          Have you ever felt different? Like an outsider? It has happened to all of us. In the book, Stargirl, the author chooses the theme of being different to betray the main character, Stargirl, a strange girl from out of town. Throughout the book, Stargirl faces the struggles of being different.
          At the beginning of the book, Stargirl didn’t know that it was bad to be different. In fact, people at her high school, Mica Area High School, actually like her. She becomes the star of the school. But it didn’t last. So, jealously reared its ugly head and Stargirl becomes Invisablegirl. She stunned. No one will talk to her, all except for Leo, her boyfriend/best friend. But how can you ignore a girl in long colorful skirts, a girl who plays the ukulele and has a pet rat? Hard to tell. But her struggles of being different have just begun.
          Stargirl tries hard to become noticed, but nothing is helping. Her attempts all fail. One of these attempts is a big one, when Stargirl becomes Susan. She changes behavior, clothes, and her whole happy attitude. Even though she has the whole look down, even this isn’t enough to turn people’s heads. But she still doesn’t give up. At one part of the book, she tries to make a business where if you talk to her, she would scratch your back. No takers. One line that she says in the book is, “What do you have to do to get someone’s attention around here”.
          Stargirl has to face the struggles of being different throughout the book. Along the way, she has a hard time with being ignored by the students of Mica Area High School. Changing clothes, changing behavior still doesn’t turn people’s heads. Stargirl struggles to become part of “them” again, but whatever she does, she always faces the struggles of being different.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I know that you weren't trying to influence people to read the book, but you influenced me to read that book! After I finish my current book, I will read that book. So she struggles with being different even at the end of the book? Or does the book end all happy where she isn't different anymore? Is there another book in the story? you did a great job in influencing me that Stargirl has to face changes.
