Monday, October 29, 2012


Shrieks and Scares
Author's Note: A couple weeks ago, the weather was really stormy and spooky at my soccer practice, so I decided to write this for Halloween.

The trees shake
Their dead branches rattle,
to the melody of the witches' cackles 
As they prepare their potions for Halloween night.
The eerie clouds stir restlessly, the wind howls like a were wolf
Bats fly across the dark sky
You stand their, smaller than you could ever imagine
While the world wakes, ready for Halloween Night
Black leaves blow off trees, and shadows creeping up from everywhere
Then the monsters, the goblins, the ghosts, the witches
Vampires, old mummies, and spiders appeared
They slowly drift closer, and closer
The closer they come, the faster your heart pounds
Step, pound, step, pound, step, pound
They're here on Halloween.
They have waited all year to haunt, to give others shrieks and scares.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


More Candy?

Author's Note:  This is another essay that I wrote because my Patriot's Pen was awful. Hopefully, this one is a lot better.

“Trick or Treat!”, the age old saying that comes every October. We all love the sweet candy, and want as much of it as possible. The ultimate goal is to come home with a big pillowcase full of the delicious goodness, to have the victory having more than your siblings. But what if that was ripped from you, if the pillowcase became almost empty and the siblings taunted you till Thanksgiving. How could you bear with that? I might have to, because this year I will miss half an hour of trick-or-tricking because of a soccer game that I “need” to go to. That is why, to avoid this horrible burden of having less candy, I think my loving, caring parents should buy me a little extra.
One reason is because my favorite candy is on sale, the wonderful Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. How could you pass up that? I mean, when you usually go trick-or-tricking you get some candy that you hate and never eat, leaving it in the bag to rot and discovering it the next year, but if you buy your favorite candy, none goes to waste. It’s the perfect candy for a bargain.
          Another reason I need more candy is because without it my favorite holiday will be ruined. I know that that sounds super dramatic, but it’s true. You see, I look forward to Halloween for the entire year; I’m always excited to go throughout the neighborhood with my best friend and having a good time. Of course I also look forward to collecting candy (who wouldn’t?).But since I’m missing the last half an hour of trick-or-treating, which is when people hand out more pieces to get rid of their leftovers, I will end one with a lot less pieces than you may think.
         To conclude, I will have a serious shortage of sweets by the end of trick-or-treating. Being teased by my sister, and being envious of my friends when they are eating their candy and I am completely out will be unbearable. But my parents can end this suffering by spending just a few more dollars, but will they? Can’t they see that I need more candy?                 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Patriot's Pen Essay

Author's Note: I really hate this essay, so just don't judge me. I'm actually writing a different one which will  be better.

Flag of the Founding Fathers

                 There are many amazing people who founded this great country, each one a single stitch in the red, white, and blue flag that proudly waves in the air. Think about it, if you could talk to those great heroes, what would you say? I would want to thank the Founding Fathers for everything that they done right for our country.
                 “Thank you for voting rights!” would be the first I would tell them. Voting  has let the people of U.S.A. have a say in who runs the country. Also, voting makes our voice be heard and gives people a decision to really think about.
In this way, we are different than other countries who don't get to choose, who might not even care about how their country is lead. Voting gives us hope in bad times because the candidates deliver well-thought speeches to give their message and we pick the one that we think can push America forward.
                 Voting was a good decision, but I would also say “Thanks for establishing everything”. I mean, making laws from the very beginning controlled what happened here. Creating the Declaration of Independence was perfect; It was like the official document that made this country a whole. As the founders established states and cities, they basically created the U.S.A. that we have today.
                 “ I mostly thank you for freedom.” We live in such a great country, and we barely know it. We are so lucky for a strong, developed, free country. This country is blessed by having so many freedoms like freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Citizens here are free to follow our their own paths and  are free to decide. Freedom overall was the best thing the Founding Fathers did for this country and without freedom, everything for us would be a lot different.
                 The beautiful flag that soars in the air shows our Founding Fathers, still looking over us. They created the amazing country that we have now. From the choices they have made and the things that they did, the Founding Fathers really knew what they were doing and we will never forget them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cause/Effect Piece

   Effects of a dog

  In How to steal a dog by Barbara O' Connor, Georgina Hayes is a poor girl and her house is, well, a mini van. Her mom is juggling two different jobs, trying to save up enough money for an apartment. After seeing a flyer for a missing dog with a big reward for it's return, Georgina plans to steal a dog and wait for the fliers to pop up.  After a few tries, she finally steals a dog from its yard, and from this point nothing will ever be the same; She now has to hide the dog from the owner, her mom, and everyone really to keep herself from being in serious trouble and to insure that the reward money is hers.
     What lead to this is when her and her brother, Tony,  search for a dog who meets their requirements: A quiet dog in a rich-looking house. Anything different than that, the two of them could be caught or not get a high enough reward. But after the climax, the effects of it are hiding the dog in an abandoned house. After a while the owner gets very worried, and Georgina is trying to convince her to offer a high reward for the dog's safe return. This part of the book reminds me of how in Warriors New Prophecy: Midnight by Erin Hunter, humans start destroying the forest and all the cats get very nervous and don't really know what to do, like the owner of the dog. But even though stealing a dog was a weird idea from the start, if she didn't try at all she would spend the rest of her life in a mini van with her mom desperately trying to get enough money. Funny how stealing a dog could completely change your life.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Conflict/Resolution Piece

        Burning Brings the Problem

      In the book, Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag is just a regular firemen; burning books is what he does. Soon people realize that he's  keeping books of his own. The main conflict is a Person VS. Society conflict because Montag wants to bring back books to society, but he knows  he'll just have to completing turn directions and brake away from his normal every day life. This conflict is sort of similar to the Hunger Games because of how Katniss has to out-smart the Capital at the end and break all the rules, like in this book.
       Montag pretty much reveals his secret of keeping books by showing his wife, Mildred, and her friends the books.  He half-resolves his conflict when the firemen come to burn his house, Montag ends up killing the captain of the firemen house and just making a run for it. He hides here and there, floating down the river and following abandoned railroad tracks. After a long trek, he finds some other former book keepers how also want to bring back books. In the end,  there's a feeling that they will eventually solve the problem because the Montag and his new allies give you the feeling that they will try to bring books out of the ashes from and stop the flames that burn them.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Tube of Terror

            Two friends going to the water park, having fun, splashing around, doesn’t seem like a scary story right? It doesn’t. But part of that very trip still burns deep inside me even to this day.
          It was around my best friend Lauren’s birthday and she had invited me to come with her and her family to the Wilderness Water park for the whole day. I was definitely excited, although the ride there took an eternity. Bouncing around,  I felt like a caged animal in that tiny car.
After finally arriving, we dashed into the hotel room and changed to our swimsuits as quick as lightning. The water park had three section, each filled with different thrills and excitements of its own. Lauren had picked the one with a water raft ride called the black hole. As we walked through the halls to the water park, I was worried. My stomach felt sunken and I was freezing and sweaty at the same time. Any sort of ride made me nervous. But after this I would be way more than just nervous.
          All of us, Lauren, her mom, her grandma, and me, all sat in the circular raft. I prayed that I wouldn’t go backwards. Water bubbled and whispered its faint hiss from under the raft. My hands held the handles firm, my knuckles turning white. Then whoosh! The raft slid down the pitch black tunnel, no way of stopping it.
Feeling completely blind, I heard the water splashing around but it was almost like it was nowhere. I was there but I was nowhere. I was moving yet I wasn’t. My hand tried to find Lauren next to me but it felt lost in the void of space, where screaming, even till your vocal cords gave out, would never save you. “Lauren!” I half said, half yelled in the darkness to talk above the gurgle of the water.
         “Sarah, I’m right here!” she hollered as the raft began to shift and slide around. I held so tight to the handles that my hands felt numb.
I felt sweat on my body, even when covered in chlorine-drenched water. The raft was moving a lot, skidding lightly on the surface of the water. Suddenly the raft moved upwards and it was almost like I was standing. Please don’t have the raft flip,  I prayed; the last thing I needed was to be squirming and fidgeting, trying to grab hold of something in the a raft-less raft ride when there was no light.
          Slowly the raft moved to its normal position, and slowly I began to relax. My body was still shaking. A rising light, closer, closer. Soon the raft flooded with light and we were out. The rays surrounded me and I felt in a different world, a different universe. Before, the darkness felt like the last thing I would ever see. But I was alive, breathing hard, still worked up from the event like a deer who just luckily dodged a car. Trembling, I got out of the bright yellow raft, followed by Lauren and her other family members. Thank goodness, the scene was over. The curtained dropped.
But the play wasn’t over; I still think a lot about the event. “I thought we would die” I said to Lauren at the end of that day. “I could almost see the headline: RAFT FLIPS; 4 DROWN IN TUBE OF TERROR.” Lauren told me that I was crazy and laughed, but seriously, I am now terrified that that will happen again on any sort of rides because of that horrible memory.
Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have freaked out. I mean they design those rides so no one gets hurts, right? This memory is pretty important to me anyway because it was still part of a very fun day at the water park with Lauren. That little moment of complete fear, that's what really sticks out from that day. Maybe it would just be best to just forget the “Tube of Terror”. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


Author's Note: If your going to read the book Stargirl then don't read this. (I give away the ending)
    When a strange girl  comes to a new school, she  opens the eyes of an ordinary boy. Soon the whole school goes into a frenzy for her, but that slowly slips away as they relieve she’s just plain crazy. As everyone turns on her, the boy becomes more close to her and when she moves away, he finds her hideout where her craziness really occurred.