Monday, November 19, 2012

Predicting Practice

Chance: Dead or Alive
Author's Note: I wrote this to predict how the story "The Beast" would end and why I thought that

     -My prediction for the end of the story The Beast is that the dog, Chance, might be eaten by the cougar because he probably entered its the cougar's territory.The Warriors series is like this because the cats are very picky about territory. Even stepping one paw in another clans' territory can start a battle. I'm sure a cougar isn't much different. Plus, the book said that Chance wasn't that big and to a 300 pound cougar, he's probably a nice little midnight snack.
     -The end was about the complete opposite of my prediction. The cougar attacked (and might have killed) Steven, the dog's owner. I guess the cougar preferred human rather that dog, which makes  a little more sense because  Steven is more of a meal. But what did happen to Chance? It never says. Maybe it was something like this...

Chance runs back from the water's edge, happy and cheerful to have FINALLY gotten a walk. He turns his head, sniffing and searching for his owner. He traces his scent to the gate where he stops, shocked. He finds Steven unmoving body being dragged into the forest. His ears pick up a low growl and he runs. Runs through the open gate, runs home. Runs away from that awful park. Chance reaches his house, gets on his hind legs and pounds against the door. He barks with all his might, to get his older owners attention. The door opens and his older owner shouts something at him. Chance just ignores it; this was way more important then being in trouble. He points toward the park with his nose and whimpers loudly, almost if saying "He's over there! Something has killed him!…."

I think that would be the very end of the story because the book say that Steven walked Chance everyday , so they would have a strong bond. Also, Chance probably would know the path that they go and would be able to find his way back home. Since Chance cares about Steven, he would want to help him and the only person who would help is Steven's dad. 


  1. I really like your prediction and how it relates to Steven and Chance's relationship and the other stories. Good Job!(:
