Monday, November 26, 2012


 Author Note: I wrote this to example the piece below "Gang of Outcasts". In the book, Ten Miles past Normal, Janie is a farm girl trying to survive high school. She never eats in the cafeteria because it's full of jocks and popular girls,  so spends that time eating by her locker and the going to the Library, so her lunches are lonely. She wants to have someone to help her learns the tricks for high school. So this is how I predict the book will end...

I predict the end…..
       Janie will find other "outcasts" like her and they can work with each other to survive high school
  • Its her dream for that to happen
        -She clearly says in the book "That's my dream, or course. That some regular, everyday people will show up and recognize me as someone who is basically normal, in spite of my Farm Girl mishaps, but whose soul is too sensitive to deal with the cafeteria alone. We will become friends and find other B lunch refugees, hiding out in the back of the school auditorium or hovering around the edge of the newspaper office, pretending to have a lead on a big story. When we have banded together enough troops, we'll take over a table in the cafeteria and never be lonely again"
  • This has happened also when Cato and others joined together to survive the Hunger Games
         -Even though they didn't success, it was a good idea and helped them survive for a while
  • She wants to change, she just needs someone to give her a push
          -She keeps saying to herself that she will eat in the cafeteria, but being alone was awkward and she was "feeling exposed and invisible at the same time"

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