Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The Giving Holiday

You sit down at the table, with family and friends,
The feast is laid out, it almost doesn't end.
But why is this happening, around this time of the year,
Well, it's a special gathering, Thanksgiving is here.
The Pilgrims and Indians started this, a long time ago,
Till this very day, we have followed them so.
Now the table is set and it's time to start,
Saying a quick prayer might be smart.
After giving thanks, we all start to dig into the meal,
And eat as much as we want, as much as we feel.
And what is all here, what is to eat?
Crescent rolls, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, where is the meat?
It's in the center, above all the others,
A big plump turkey, about the size of your younger brother.
The food may be good, but that isn't the point of it all,
It's to give thanks for what we have, on this holiday in fall.

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