Monday, January 21, 2013

Creative Lizy Story

Lost in the Dark
Author's Note: I wrote this story about my kitty, Lizy.  I also wrote this for my goal in Word choice.

           The bright December moon shone it’s ghostly white rays into the dark forest. She shook, hardly. Lizy felt cold in this dark, mysterious place. It even smelled mysterious, as if thousands of weird creatures were hidden around her, watching her with sinister red eyes. She thought why she had even come here; the back door wasn't closed all the way and she had escaped during the night, just to explore. Now she was lost, scared, horrified.
          But Lizy didn't hate her life, of course not. She had plenty of food (which she loved),  a comfy couch to lay on, fun toys, loving owners. It was the best thing a cat could ever wish for. Before that she was in a cramped cage with other cats in cages around her. Some were kittens always making annoying sounds as they played on the cold metal floor. It was a prison, and if you were lucky, someone might take you away. Back then she wasn't sure which was better, the awful two families that she had previously or being here, in a dark solid box. The memory of meeting the best family ever made her heart shatter. This dark forest had snatched her away from them.
           Now she had lost them. No, I will find them….maybe, Lizy thought, her pads starting to hurt. She felt like she was easy to see here, with her bright white and light brown coat, her chubby sides, her pink collar with a bell. This place looked weird and eerie, especially compared to the nice view that she had pretty much memorized outside the back door. That was her favorite space, on the soft rug, looking outside. She felt as sad as a dark rain cloud.
    Oh what I wouldn’t give to be lounging on the comfy brown chair again, Lizy thought then sighed. She had tried retracing her steps but just got even more lost. Even though her other life as a housecat seemed worlds away, she didn’t give up.
          As she keep walking, she felt more tense with each step. The smallest sounds now frightened her. The air was a black hand, grabbing her and not letting go. Her tail fluffed up twice it’s normal size and her heart beated fast. Then it pretty much stopped at the sight of two eyes staring right at her from above. As they got closer, Lizy backed away slowly, farther and farther till…BUMP..DING. Lizy crashed into a tree causing her bell to shake. The eyes moved into the silky moonlight reveling to be a deer. The deer gave her one glare and walked away, clearly not taking her as a threat.
          Slowly, her heart started beating again. She was still shaking, not just because of the deer, but because it was getting colder. And darker. Some thick clouds covered the moon making the world gloomy. Lizy was blinded. She quickly jumped into a bush. She couldn’t smell anything around except… wait, what is that? Lizy thought. It was a strong smell, a bad smell, nothing that she had ever smelled before. She creeped out of the bush, trying to make little noise. Her pad scratched on something hard. A flat rock? , she puzzled. Whatever it was, it was hard. Lizy moved into the middle of it, careful not go too far, just in case it was a trap. Suddenly she saw two bright lights farther down the “flat rock”. At first, Lizy thought they were lights like the ones in her home. But these were different; they were moving. Or getting bigger. A unfamiliar sound rushed through her ears getting louder, louder, louder. The wind ran up to her and blew threw her fur. The housecat could just barely make out the shadowy outline of it.
          “Um….Hello!” She called, in cat language of course. But the thing didn’t stop, it kept going without a care. Lizy dashed out of the way just before the thing raced past where she was before.
          Out of breathe, Lizy sat there at the edge of the “flat rock”. That thing hadn’t even see her. Maybe it doesn’t have eyes, she thought, for clearly that was the reason. The little chubby cat climbed back into her bush and laid down. It wasn’t super comfy, but it felt safe. She pretended that it was the comfy brown chair at home. She imagined her soft blanket under her instead of the dead branches. She imagined the incredible smells that floated from the food room instead of this wild, evil smell. She imagined her owners petting her to sleep instead of the frozen air that chilled her down to her bones. After finally settling down, her eyelids slowly closed and she fell asleep.
          A rustling noise woke her with a jolt. Her tail fluffed up again and she eyes grew wide. She smelled the air but only smelled a cat. A cat? She would attack this intruder if she had front claws. I could bite, Lizy thought, giving her some hope. But that wouldn’t help much. She couldn’t just run though; the other cat would probably be faster. She couldn’t fight. She couldn’t win.
          When she heard a small paw crunch through the crisp snow, Lizy jumped. It was a awkward jump, where she crashed right into the other cat. She was about to scramble away when she saw glowing amber eyes looking at her, but the cat yelled “Wait!”
          The housecat faced the intruder, immediately knowing who this was. “Oliver!” she growled, thinking of all the times Oliver had gone up to the back door of her home, invading her territory. She had hissed and growled at him like crazy to protect her family. She thought of herself as the mighty lion, with a coat like pure gold, and  the gift of over-whelming strength.  Eventually he left, but Lizy knew that he was just jealous of her loving family, a family which she never wanted to loss.
          “Whoa..” he said in a tone as cool as a fall breeze. “I could help you get home, little pussycat.”
          Lizy sneered “Fine. But don’t call me that.”
          “Whatever, human prisoner.”
          “Stop.” Lizy hissed, feeling the ground grumble as another thing passed by on the flat rock. She stumbled a little at the sound.
          Oliver laughed “Ok, but do I have to carry you home or can you be less lazy and walk.”
          “I’m not lazy” she said and started walking.
          Oliver ran ahead and called behind him “Lazy Lizy!”
          Her fur felt red. She was a rocket, and used all her energy to sprite after Oliver and out of the forest.

          The heavenly sunlight crept in on them. By the time morning was there, Lizy’s home came into view. They crossed a flat rock, which Oliver said was safe.
          Lizy was about  to sprite in her house through the slightly open back door, but she stopped herself. “Thanks” Lizy meowed, smiling slightly like the back door.
          “No probably. Wouldn’t want  a silly little kitty like you lost in the forest.” Oliver snickered.
          Lizy ignored his comment and just went inside. The warmth wrapped around her and gave her a big hug. There were her owners, at their table eating food. When one of the younger owners saw her, she said “Oh my gosh! Lizy! There you are!” The owner immediately closed to door and locked it. Then she picked up Lizy and hugged her tight. “Oh you had me worried me sick. I didn’t hear you meowing in the morning for food, and we looked around everywhere! I’ll so glad you came back!” Lizy purred; she was back with her family.
          When Lizy was chowing down her fancy feast, which flooded her nose with its wonderfully familiar smell, Oliver crept up to the door. Normally, Lizy would growl and hiss at him, but she just keep eating. Her owner noticed “Lizy, what the heck? You always yell at him. What changed you?”
          But Lizy just thought with a warm smile across her face, You have no idea just happened to me.

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