Monday, December 19, 2011

As Christmas comes around the corner

         As Christmas comes around the corner, stores becomes more and more crowded,  malls fill up, and people stress to get gifts for family and friends. But with all of this, people tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas. Its not how many presents you get, or how big your Christmas feast is. It's giving, without expecting to receive something in return. It's about caring for others and showing you care. It's about making another happy. So, can you make another happy this holiday season? Try it, it will surprise you how good you'll feel to see someone's face a light up when you hand them a gift. Giving is the real meaning of Christmas.


  1. Love your story!It feels good to know that SOMEONE knows the true meaning of Christmas.... :)

  2. I totally agree! There are all of these commercials on TV about buying things for yourself. People who don't know the true meaning of Christmas, and think it's all buy, buy, buy. Stores are basically saying "Buy form our store! We have the best deals!". That has nothing to do with Christmas. (In the stores' defense, they do have to make money [and it's usually around Christmas that they have to] of they will lose their jobs. Also, I guess that someone who does not think the true meaning of Christmas is buy, buy, buy, could think of the stores wanting them to buy to give, but still...) Christmas is also not about how many lights you can put up on your house or how big and fancy of a tree you can get, and although those things are fun, giving is still the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas IS all about giving, and it DOES feel good to give someone something around the holidays, but we should be giving all year 'round.
