Friday, December 16, 2011

Snow Poem

As the days come and go, there comes no beautiful white snow
I pace, I sit, I wait, I worry, for even the smallest tiniest little flurry.
But minutes, no hours, no days go by, but no snow comes. But why?
I want  to build snowman, don't you see? But with no snow, how could that dream be?
Until the first flake falls this year, I'll still be waiting, watching right here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool poem. I liked how you put what is happening currently into your poem. I think that you could make it better by in the 3rd line to use and for the 2nd but because there are too many buts in that line. If you put and in, it will also sound better. It is a very creative poem. :-)
