Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Animal Farm Comparitive Essay

Taking over
Throughout history, there have been harsh and cruel leaders, and because of them, people have always tried to rise up to these leaders. But there are two rebellions that are the most interesting. One, a fairy tale of a farm of animals that takes over their ruthless master. The other, an invasion of Cuban exiles trying to over throw their old government. The book, Animal Farm, and the historical event, the Bay of Pigs invasion, are very similar.
Both were rebellions on their inconsiderate and harsh leaders. In Animal Farm, the over-worked farm animals of Manor Farm over-throw their master, Jones, turning it into Animal Farm (38-43). In the Bay of Pigs invasion on April 17, 1961, 1500 exiles of Cuba rebel against their cruel government, but got stopped by Castro’s fierce army (Bay of Pigs Invasion).
Along with this, both rebellions had someone who planned them. The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned by Dwight Eisenhower in 1960 (Sierra). In Animal Farm, Major the pig planned the rebellion against man shortly before his death (28-35).
But don’t forget, there were also two people embarrassed because of these rebellions. From the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, President John F. Kennedy was embarrassed in front of the whole world (Sierra). Believe it or not, someone in Animal Farm got embarrassed too. When Jones was thrown out of Manor Farm, well, now Animal Farm, he was embarrassed. You would too if you were beaten up by farm animals. But Jones moved away, to a different part of the country, as it says a few times in the book (127).
But each of these rebellions had some devastated deaths along with them. In the Bays of Pigs invasion, over 100 out of 1500 exiles died while fighting against Castro’s ruthless army (Bay of Pigs Invasion). In the book Animal Farm, only a few animals died in the fight against the humans (109).
Both the Bays of Pigs invasion and the book Animal Farm rebellion are very similar. Both had the score to settle with their leaders and both wanted to fight for what was right. They were both fighting for a rebellion, a change, a chance to take over.

"Bay of Pigs Invasion." 1997. Oracle ThinkQuest. 12 March 2012 <http://library.thinkquest.org/11046/days/bay_of_pigs.html>.
Minster, Christopher. "Cuba: Bay of Pigs invasion." 2012. About.com. 14 March 2012 <http://latinamericanhistory.about.com/od/historyofthecaribbean/a/09bayofpigs.htm>.
Sierra, J.A. "Bays of Pigs-The basics." History of Cuba. 19 March 2012 <http://www.historyofcuba.com/history/funfacts/giron.htm>.


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