Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Creative Piece

Author's Note: To understand this story, you should read "Nicky and the Gem of Truth" before you read this story. It should be in my older posts.

Nicky and the Gem of Truth 2

            I stand up, wiping the tears that are streaming down my face. She’s kidnapped, I thought, this whole time she’s been kidnapped. So I really do have a mother. My heart lifted and I felt of hope, but it didn’t last.
The walls of the cave started shaking, crumbling away. Chucks of rock fell from the ceiling, while a loud rumbling pounded in my ears. I grabbed the Gem of Truth and stuffed it into my backpack. Then, I ran, ran out of the cave. I ran past an entrances to the 2 other tunnels and up the stone stairs. I crawl through the entrance of the cave right before it closes. I stand and wipe off  small fragments of rock that still cover my clothes. There I was, at the base of the mountain again.
But I was torn. I loved my dad, but he had lied about everything. Would do I do now? I thought. Well, the only thing I can do now is go home. But how could I go home. See my dad, with his stupid grin saying “Oh Nicky, I really missed you” and blah blah blah. But I had to; I just had to face him.
Besides, I have the upper hand here, right? I mean, he did commit a crime. I had to go home and call the police. Yeah, I’ll do that. I flew back, just barely with enough money. Strangely, I sat by an old man that smelled like a goat again. We landed in New York late that night. I took a taxi back home. I went up the elevator to the 6th floor and trudged through the hall to our apartment. I opened the door and fell onto the couch
“DAD!!!” I hollered, but all there was was silence. “Where is he?” I whispered to myself. Suddenly, he burst through the door, sweat dripping from his forehead and breathing heavily.
“Nicky!! Where have you been?!?!?!?” he shrieked, furiously stomping across the floor to the cough. “I just ran all the way to the police department and back. I thought you were kidnapped!!!”
            “You know all about kidnapping!!! You kidnapped mom!!!!” I couldn’t stop the words from coming out. They were there, and I had to say them. Dad gave me a weird look that turned into an I’m-hiding-something-from-you smile. He gave me a big bear hug.
            “Now why would you think that? You’re just tired, huh, Nicky? Come on, you can tell me where the heck you were after a little nap” dad said calmly, his voice soft. I pushed away from him.
            “No!! Stop it!!! You did it, you kidnapped mom!!! You lied all these years, for what? Why did you kidnap her? Why Dad!?!?!?” I screamed at the top of my lungs. For a second, he just stared at me. Next thing I know, he grabs me the covers my mouth with his giant hand. I try to scream, but my voice is trapped.
            Dad slowly whispers in my ear, “Listen Nicky, no one needs to know about this, ok? Now, you go to your room and take a nap and we’ll act like this is all a dream, huh? Understand?” I do understand, but I’m not forgiving him just yet. I pull myself out of his grasp and run. Out the door, down the hall, down the stairs (no time to wait for the elevator), out of the lobby and into the outside city. I hear dad behind me the whole time. He did do it. He did kidnap mom. And now he wanted me to hide this little secret, no way.
“Get back here Nicky!” he yells as we run through the crowded sidewalks. But I’m smarter than that. But the problem is, I have nowhere to go. Or maybe I do. All I have to do is take 86th street and I’m there. I thought, running as fast as I could. People gave me dirty looks as I run through the sidewalks. I cruised up 86th street, dad hot on my tail. I pushed the door of the police station open and quickly spoke to the police officer at the front desk
“My dad…he…he kidnapped my mom…and, he...he…tried to hide it…and...and you need...you need to arrest him!!” I said, out of breath. Dad burst into the police station.
“I don’t know what my daughter told you, but she’s clearly losing it. I’ll just get her to the doctor as soon as…”
“Stop! Both of you!! Now sit down.” the police man hollered. “Now, we are going to get this straightened out. And sir, if your daughter is telling the truth, you are going to be put under arrest.” Both of us said our stories, I said about my mother, and the Gem of Truth, and how it showed my dad kidnapping her. Dad looked at me the whole time, probably knowing that I was true. When dad’s turn to speak came, he said how I wasn’t there when he came home and how he found the note. Then he said how he knew that it was obviously a fake note and that he just had to come and find me. He then said that when he was just about the give up hope, his little girl was home acting all crazy saying that he kidnapped mom when mom had been dead for years (liar).
I sat there, about to punch him for saying that about me, but I kept cool. He would be under arrest soon. But wait, could I really arrest my dad? The one who fed me and cared for me my whole life? No, he wouldn’t be my only parent if he hadn’t kidnapped mom in the first place. So, what were my choices then? Arrest my caring/lying father and try to find mom again or not arrest him and know this horrible truth my whole life?
“Mister Police Officer, unlike my dad, I have proof,”I say reaching for my backpack while my dad and the police officer give me a curious look. I pull out Gem of Truth and hand it to the police officer. Dad swallows hard; He definitely was scared now. The gem sparkles and shines brightly. I say the same words that I said in the cave.
“Show me how my mom died”. Dad and the Police officer stared at the gem in wonder. It flashed the image of my tied-up mom being thrown into a van by dad and another man driving away.
“Do you now this man sir?” the police officer clearly knowing who was right now, me. Dad sweated like crazy, and said nothing to the police officer. He just sat, making me feel even guiltier for telling on him. Snap out of it Nicky! He kidnapped mom! You have to do this.
            Suddenly the police officer whipped dad out of his chair and quickly hand cuffed him. He pulled dad to a room at the end of the hallway. I followed; I wanted to hear him spill out everything.
            “Now sir,” the police officer urged, “Can you tell me how this all happened. Remember, no matter what, you’re under arrest, so you might as well tell me so that you have something for court."
         “Well,” Dad mumbled “It started when my wife and I were deciding to divorce. We already had Nicky back then and we didn’t know who she would stay with.”
            “Why would she have to go with just one of you? Couldn’t you just have her switch from parent to parent?” the police officer said questionably.
            “Because Maria wanted to move to Arizona after we divorced. She also wanted Nicky. But I couldn’t give away my little girl. So I called up my friend and we took care of her. And since I’m not going to have Nicky while I’m in jail, Maria might as well have her. Maria is in a small house in Northern Arizona. Hey, that’s where she wanted to go. That’s also where my friend Carl is too. Nicky, I also watch the news a lot because I just wanted to make sure that Carl and I were never caught. But that doesn’t matter now, does it.” Every word stung me like a bee. He did all that, to keep me. Even guiltier.
            Dad was soon put into jail for kidnapping. The police found mom in Arizona and arrested Carl as well. Mom returned home and we live together now in dad’s apartment. I told her the whole story and she said that she was super proud of me for saving her. I still see dad every year in jail, but we barely talk. He says “How are you doing?” I say “fine” “How’s school” “Good”. That’s about it. But besides dad in jail and mom here at home, I still can’t believe that I busted him and saved her. Hey, I owe it all to the Gem of Truth.


  1. Wow.....That's pretty good. I read the first one, and it was amazing, but the second one is awwwwweeeeeeeeesssssssommmmmmmmme! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-ddy! :D

  2. i think this is really cute. I really liked how you ended it.
