Thursday, April 26, 2012

Point of View Tell-Tale Heart

 The Evil Eye?
   In  The Tell-Tale Heart, the narrator is telling the story. It's his point of view. From his POV, I feel  like a cannot trust the narrator for 1 reason. HE'S CRAZY! This narrator believes that an eye is evil, and because of this, he must kill the old man? Multiple times he says that he's not mad, and I really don't think that. I mean, who else kills someone for  their eye?
    The this story, we interpretive it as a creepy, crazy story from the narrator's point of view. But what if the point of view changes? If the POV was from the old man's POV, it would be a pretty calm story until the end when he is randomly killed in the night. I would sound something like this….

     Life was quiet in my lovely house. A week off silence and calmness. But then on the eighth night, I settled down for a quiet sleep, startling awake at a small sound in the night.
    "Who's there?" I asked into the pitch black air of midnight. I tried hard to not freak out. "It is nothing but the wind in the chimney-it is only a mouse crossing the floor. It is merely a cricket which has made a single chirp." My words didn't help, but slowly I relaxed. That was not the right thing to do. A moment later, something charged at me. To didn't have a chance. The person dragged me on the ground. I struggled to move, to talk, to breathe. The person pulled the bed on top of me. That was it. Silence.

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