Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Predicting Piece

What are you hiding?        
 What are you hiding? Well not you, but the characters Soula and Elliot in the book "Waiting for normal".  In the store, both act very suspicious. When Addie and Soula talk alone, she talks about her wasted store and wasted town. So what are they hiding?  I think Soula and Elliot are trying to run people out of town.
       Soula and Elliot are hiding this because in the book it says "'Good today'  she told him. She touched the sides of her black hair like she was adjusting a hat. 'Four down and four to go' said told the guy. She winked a perfectly lined eye at him'" and "'And here I am, selling junk food outta the micro-nuker, cigarettes, gasoline by the tankful!Talk about waste! I'm part of it too.'"It sure sounds like they are hiding that there's eight people that should be run out of town, but that's my theory.   
        They seem like they're hiding that they are trying to run eight people out of town by making a crappy little town o the eight will leave. Making there's 8 people that Soula is trying to get rid of. "Four down, four to go.". But what's next in the story? How would the next part of it go? Maybe something like this….

     After saying goodbye to my new friend, Helena, I decided to head by the store to see Soula. I was just walking in when I heard Elliot and Soula talking.
    "Elliot quiet!" she said and hushed her voice. I hid behind the store shelf, close to the counter where both were standing. "Now how is the plan going?"
    "Well…"Elliot said as he played with his golden earring. "There's still four to go. Four people are gone, outta here. So what are we planning to do to make these last four leave?"
    "We'll have to sell crappier food, make the store and empty acres out back even worse. Those four have to leave!" Soula whispered. She seemed aggravated with these people, whoever they were.
    I slowly backed out when I stepped on a bag of chips that had fell.
   "How's there?" Soula called as I ran out. 'Why was she running people out of town'  I thought as I headed towards our trailer '...and more importantly, am I one of them.'

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