Saturday, December 31, 2011

Firestar Charater Analysis

Firestar: Character Analysis

          Hunting parties and patrols to organized. Enemies from the three other Clans to keep out of your territory. A whole Clan’s safety and happiness is on your shoulders. Firestar, from Warriors Book 6, The Darkest Hour, has to face all of this on that he’s Clan Leader. Throughout the book, Firestar scared and worried if he can save ThunderClan in their darkest hour.
          Firestar started his worrying from the moment he became leader. As he received a dream from StarClan granting him his nine lives, each life received gave him extreme pain. Halfway through receiving his lives, he felt scared that he might not even make it through the dream. He was worried that he wouldn’t be worthy to be leader.
          Another event where Firestar was scared in the book was when he saw that his reflection in the stream was a lion.  He was scared half to death. The book says “Startled, Firestar leaped backwards. He let out a yowl as he collided with a tree and stumbled into the dead leaves among its roots.” It was a sign from StarClan, but he was clearly scared.
          Also, Firestar get worried and scared when he leads his Clan into battle with BloodClan. He is afraid that he is leading his noble cats into the paws of death. As Clan leader, he knows that he will have to see a few of his cats die, but he just isn’t ready for it.
          When he losses a life is an example of a time he was worried and scared in the book. He was worried that he would not return to the battle to serve his fellow cats to drive BloodClan out of the forest.
          Throughout the book, Firestar deals with the worrying and fear that comes with the Clan leader title. He has to faces what no other cat in ThunderClan has to face. But with his Clan beside him, he continues through his struggles, being worried and scared.

The Last Good-Bye

The Last Good-bye

            The Saturday sun shined through the silky curtains in my room. Slowly, I opened my eyes, to find my dog, Coco, sleeping peacefully by my feet. I got up from under the sheets, afraid of what this day would bring. On the table next to my bed, laid a picture of my dad, smiling and healthy, but that wasn’t how he was now.
            “Let’s see,” I mumbled to myself. “Day 19”. 19 days. 19 days of waiting. It had been 19 days ago when my father stepped foot in the Silver Springs Hospice. He has had cancer for a while now, but 19 days ago, the hospital said that they couldn’t do anything more for him.
            “I’m sorry, Izzy”, the doctor said to me that dreadful day. “But your father is just too sick. The only thing that could save him is a special medicine in Brazil, South America, but it’s very hard to find”. I wanted to yell at him, tell him to find it, but I just kept my cool and nodded.
            I finally decided that I should go and see him, because any day could be his last. I made some coffee, got dressed, and hopped in the car. Coco tagged along too. My dad hates dogs, but somehow he loves Coco. Coco’s kind of like family.
            I drove until I got to the Silver Springs Hospice, the awful place where my father was. That must be terrible for him, I thought as I stepped inside. Knowing that his time is coming soon.
            Once inside, I said “hi” to the lady at the front desk, and headed toward my father’s room, number 13.       When I got to the door, I slowly twisted the doorknob and stepped inside, afraid of what I would find. But I was worried for nothing. When I saw my father in bed with my mother sitting in a chair close by, relief washed over me like a beautiful blue wave from the shining sea. But my father was still sick. His skin was a white pale and wrinkles covered his face. His dark green eyes had lost their glow and were hard to see them through his half-closed eyes.
            “Sweetie”, my mom said as she stood up and give me a hug.” I’m so glad to see you! How are you?”
            “I’m fine, mom.” I said and turned to face my dad. “But I should be asking how you are, dad”. I gave him a hug and knelled by his bed.
            “Oh, Izzy”, he said with his old cracked voice. “I’m, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” I know he said he was fine, but I knew he wasn’t.
            So after talking to my folks for a while, I said goodbye to my dad, hopping that it wasn’t our last good-bye, and goodbye to my mom and walked out, with Coco at my heels. I hated having to see my dad like that, but I had to see him, especially in his last days.           
            I didn’t know what to do then, so I just decided to take Coco for a walk. Although I didn’t want to think about my father, I ended up doing just that. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Those words repeated in my head. Your father is just too sick. The only thing that could save him is a special medicine in Brazil, South America, but it’s very hard to find.

Before, I was just sad, but now, fury grew inside of me. I was mad at everyone, the doctor, my mom, and at the world. My father was dying and no one was going to do anything about it.
I felt anger at a level I had never felt before. “Stupid cancer”, I screamed and kicked over a trash can. I was about to stomp away, but I stopped. A small folded piece of paper from the trash can had fell out, so I picked it up, just to see what it was. I unfolded the paper and looked at it carefully. My knees grew weak and I felt tears stream from my blue eyes. I dropped to my knees and silently said “Thank you”. It was a plane ticket, a plane ticket to none other to Brazil, South America.
I stood and smiled. Coco whimpered and tilted his head, as if he was trying to say, “What is it, Izzy?” I looked at Coco and whispered, “This is it, Coco, the chance to save my dad.”
I rushed home and packed up some stuff, clothes, makeup, and most importantly, and plane ticket. I called my dad’s room at the hospice.
“Hey dad,” I said into the phone. “If you’re gone when I come back, I guess this is my last-goodbye”.
            “Ok, Izzy. I don’t know what this is all about, but good-bye.” My dad said, through he seemed confused. I didn’t have time to explain everything to him, so I just hung up. After that, I grabbed my stuff and was on my way. Of course, Coco came too. Before I knew it, we were on the plane to Brazil. I was nervous the whole time. Would I find the medicine in time? What if he was already gone?
            Soon the pilot was saying,”Welcome to Brazil”. I felt happy and nervous, and even a little angry still. When I got off the plane, I tried to find my bag. It didn’t seem to be there. An hour of waiting later, I just decided to leave. I rented a small car and left. The only things I had now were my cell phone and my wallet in my pockets. Coco sat curled up in the passenger’s seat. I kept driving, though I didn’t know where to go.
            “Where am I supposed to go? The doctor could have said where in Brazil!” I yelled. I was so furious that I wasn’t paying attention to the road anymore. As I speeded through the streets, Coco pressed his ears to his head and whimpered. “Shut up, Coco”, but it was late. Before I could stop, the car crashed into a van. The driver of the van yelled at me, but I didn’t care.
            “Whatever”, I said as I took Coco out of the car. His was scared and was shaking. I had almost killed the little puppy. “We don’t need this stupid old car anyway.”
So I walked alongside the road, Coco in my arms. My sides hurt from the impact of the air bags and I felt blood drip from a deep cut on my forehead. I felt bruised and weak, but I continued walking.
            Soon I reached a small town. The streets were lined with palm trees and little shops and restaurants at every corner. When I found a hotel, Coco and I walked in. I’m sure I scared the man at the front desk because when he saw me, he looked shocked.
            “Can I help you, miss”, he said.

“Yeah, you can. Listen, I have to find a special medicine to save my father from dying, and so far, everything is going wrong. The airport lost my bag, I crashed my car, and I would like to get a hotel room at this stupid hotel so I can forget about this whole day! Though this hotel wouldn’t be my first choose to stay at, but it’s the only thing I can find”.
The man looked as if he could fight with me all day, but he just sighed and said, “No. Listen miss, you need to fix that temper of yours. Until then, you can do everyone a favor and leave.”
Before I could answer, the man snapped his finger and a larger man stepped into the lobby. He grabbed me by the arm and walked me outside like you would with a little kid.
“And stay out”, the man said, closing the hotel doors behind him. I wanted to argue, but I just didn’t have the strength too. It started to rain, so I found a dry alley and laid down with Coco. The puppy shivered because of the rain drops that still covered his fur, so I took off my jacket and covered both of us with it like a blanket. “Maybe tomorrow we’ll have more luck.” And then drifted into a deep sleep.
The next morning, I had breakfast at a small diner, with Coco sitting close by on the table. My back hurt a lot; sleeping on the ground isn’t that comfy. I felt mad again. This was stupid, trying to find something that I probably would never find, but I had to try. This was my last and only chance to save my father. I decided that I would check every pharmacy that I could find.
“This is going to take forever!” I yelled. I smashed my fist hard on the table, which shook it. Before I could grab Coco, his miniature paws slipped and he fell off the edge of the table. I quickly picked him up, but soon I knew something was wrong. One of Coco’s front paws was twisted in the weird way and his eyes filled with pain. I know Coco’s leg was broken, but I didn’t want to freak out. I felt like crying and screaming, but that would just make things worse.
 I wrapped Coco in my jacket and started searching around for pharmacies. At every one, I was told the same thing, “Sorry. That medicine’s not here”. I was running out of energy. I knew it was time to go home.
I arrived early the next morning, tired and filthy. I walked home and sat on my couch. It was over. I just couldn’t find the medicine. It was hidden, locked away somewhere. Coco leg looked a little better, but I knew he was still in pain. But my thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone.
“Hello?” I said into the speaker, not sure who it was.
A moment later, my mom’s voice ringed my ears, “I think you need to see your father.” she said, each words choked in her throat. She sounded upset.
I rushed to the hospice, bringing poor Coco along too. I ran to my father room, and walked right inside. My dad looked horrible, even worst then before. I walked in slowly, tears building up in my eyes. I kneeled by his bed and kissed him on the forehead. “Dad?”
“Good-bye” he said
I knew this was the last good-bye “Good-bye”. I felt tears flow down my face as he let out his last and final breathe.

Monday, December 19, 2011

As Christmas comes around the corner

         As Christmas comes around the corner, stores becomes more and more crowded,  malls fill up, and people stress to get gifts for family and friends. But with all of this, people tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas. Its not how many presents you get, or how big your Christmas feast is. It's giving, without expecting to receive something in return. It's about caring for others and showing you care. It's about making another happy. So, can you make another happy this holiday season? Try it, it will surprise you how good you'll feel to see someone's face a light up when you hand them a gift. Giving is the real meaning of Christmas.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

All summer in a day story

            How could they do this to me?, I thought as I was pushed in the classroom's closet and locked inside. What did I do wrong? I only said that I thought the sun was coming today.
           Oh the sun, how I wanted to see it. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait another 7 years, if I can make it that long, I continued. You see, I hate the darkness. The sun is the only light in my life, though I only saw it once, 7 years ago. It was large and bright, with the soft yellow rays warming your skin. Lately, I started feels sick without that light. My parents said that they were coming her to Venus to take me back to Earth, but I feared they wouldn't make it in time.
           I suddenly listened in to the classroom, my ear pressed against the closet door. I heard the teacher, then the a scuffle of little feet running out the font door. I hear laughter and
 feet running here and there. I already knew what was going on.
          "The sun, it come" I said slowly. But instead of feeling happy abut the sun finally arriving, I felt something different. I suddenly felt sick, even more than usually. I pounded on the door and screamed as loud as a could, but no one heard me. A deep painful feeling welled up inside me and I saw a bright light. "The sun" I whispered with my last breathe and fell to the ground.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Snow Poem

As the days come and go, there comes no beautiful white snow
I pace, I sit, I wait, I worry, for even the smallest tiniest little flurry.
But minutes, no hours, no days go by, but no snow comes. But why?
I want  to build snowman, don't you see? But with no snow, how could that dream be?
Until the first flake falls this year, I'll still be waiting, watching right here.

Friday, December 9, 2011

College Guy who wants to dropout on a random Tuesday at 3:00 PM

            On one random Tuesday at 3:00 PM, Todd strolled the park, frozen with freshly fallen snow, the air frigid against each breath. He had just finished a tough day of college, and was prepared to drop out. But first he had to think about it, if it was the right decision or not. The park was the perfect place to clear his mind, quiet and peaceful. The perfect place to make a big decision.
            “How can I go on like this,” Todd said “Working this hard every day. I need to be free and start my life. But I also need that college degree to get a better job, not like the stupid job I have now.
Todd worked part-time at a small fast food joint known as Hank’s Hamburger Hut. It was busy little restaurant, but Todd hated having to flip burgers all day. He wanted a more exciting job, a job that had more skills needed then being able to move your wrist. Plus, the pay wasn’t too good too.
“If I drop out now, my parents will kill me if they find out.” Todd murmured to himself.
Todd’s parents lived on the other side of town, but were ALWAYS calling his dorm to check up on him. “Todd, how’s my little college boy doing” they would say or “Junior Year in College, your almost done. Hey did you remember to clean your dorm sweetie pie.” As much as his parents annoyed him, he still loved them. Todd didn’t want to break their hearts by quitting, not now.
“But if I have to spend one more day with Derek, I’m going to explode!” Todd HAD to get away from Derek.
Derek was his roommate for college. But sharing a dorm together was impossible. Derek was the smelliest, dirtiest, messiest guy in the whole world as far as Todd was concerned. Todd liked his stuff neat and clean, but Derek was getting in the way of that. 
“Oh, what will I do? What will I do?” Todd said, and continued walking through the icy park.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hollis Woods Essay

Hollis Woods Essay

 Dropped on a dirty street corner with only a blanket and a simple tag that says Call her Hollis Woods. What would it feel like to be abandoned, sitting on a sidewalk as a one day old baby, people and families pass by, not even realizing that you’re there? In Pictures of Hollis Woods, Hollis doesn't trust anyone based on the loneliness and sorrow of that she's felt from not being part of a family.
Going through foster home after foster home, running and hiding, this a one reason for her sadness. The families she lives with and tries to fit into get so annoyed and irritated with her that she runs away. But why are those families mad.  Because she's trouble. "A mountain of trouble, that Hollis Woods" is how one guardian had put it. But that running and hiding, that is what gets to her.  Throughout the entire book, she doesn't tell us, but drops hints that she wants to be   part of a family, where they love her and care about her.
  However, she did have a family, one that cared and loved her. The Regans.  Steven, Izzy, and as Hollis calls him, "Old man". Those three loved her, so much that they were about to make her part of the family when Steven and her got in an accident on "Old man's" mountain. She got upset that old man blamed it on Steven, so she left, leaving her only real family behind, which makes her feel even lonelier inside.
          Of course, after she left, it was off to another foster home. This one had an old confused art teacher and a sassy old cat named Henry. At first, Hollis doesn’t know if she can trust them, but finds that they have a lot in common. They both love art and both just want to have fun. Hollis cares for Josie but knows that Beatrice and Henry are Josie's real family. Hollis realizes at the end of the book that the Regans are her real family.
Through the book, Hollis feels unhappy about not having a family.However, at the end of the book, Hollis' loneliness is changed to happiness when she goes back to the Regans, and is accepted to their family.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Minor character responce

       When Hollis left, I didn't know what to do. I had always wanted a daughter, my whole life. But it seems like I only had one for a summer. Boy, do I miss her. Her kindness, her laugh, her smile. But the thing I miss most of all is her beautiful drawings. Oh, were they something. Steven and my husband both miss her too. She was part of the family. Or almost. We were about too make her a member of the family when her and Steven were driving the truck up my husband's mountain, or as she would called it "Old man's mountain", when they got in accident. I almost had a heart attack when we found them. The both got hurt but were fine in the end. Poor little Hollis Woods, she thought the whole thing was her fault, but of course "Old Man" blamed Steven. She must of felt so bad that she left, leaving just my husband, Steven, and me. I really miss her, and the worst part is that she never got the chance to call me mom.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


If………... their was such thing as donut cats, I would be the happiest person in the world. The first thing I would do if their were such thing as donut cats is I would buy 5 of them and of course I would give them names. Fluffy, Frosting, Puffy, Sweetie, and Mr. Sprinkles. I know what your thinking, why donut cats? Because, well, um, I don't know, I just think they would be cool to have. Besides, normal cats are fine, but imagine if your cat was half donut. I just think cats would be ten times better as a sweet breakfast food. No, of course I would never eat them. Too hairy. Besides, there too awesome to eat anyway. If………… I had anything in the whole world, it would be to have donut cats.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Point of View

        Can you trust your main character in your book? Do they tell you everything that they know? Well, I can’t trust mine, which is Hollis Woods from the book “Pictures of Hollis Woods.” I can’t really believe her because she is trouble. “A mountain of trouble”. My guess is that she has left out a couple of details, such as what happened to Steven and his family and what if she has friends at school, when she goes to it. Plus, this story is coming from a kid’s point of view. Think about it, kids are never 100% honest. So, it hard to trust Hollis. Another thing to consider is that from Hollis’ point of view, it affects the way we, as the readers, interpret the story. Mostly because she’s a kid and we interpret the story how a kid would think. Like if she was an adult, she would think differently about the events in this book. So, Hollis is hard to trust, but she’s just a kid, so it’s the same as any kid.